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  • 智能販賣機 | 天翼產業鏈科技股份有限公司

    智能販賣機標杆企業天翼產業鏈科技股份有限公司,全台唯一自主研發、設計、製造的智能販賣機設備商。提供最全面的擴充功能及貼近消費者需求的通路思維,專注無人化管理和穩定性能,打造全智慧的銷售體驗。 智能販賣機 亞尼克YTM 2.0 北捷高密度51個服務站點 增加品牌能見度 極致便利的商業模式 提升品牌好感度 More Info To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. 融合創新思維的 智慧零售解決方案 Smart retail solutions integrating innovative thinking 1 Industrial-grade equipment Tianyi Smartphones use industrial-grade hardware to ensure stable and reliable performance. This helps improve equipment durability, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure good operating results. Tianyi provides customers with professional services and technical support from equipment setup to on-site maintenance. More Info 2 Omni-channel innovation and integration Integrate industry resources to provide planning consultation for customers, use complete API technology and data to provide complete services for customer operations, help brands improve their overall competitive advantages, and drive industry development. Integrate systems and channels to achieve OMO. More Info 3 Sustainable development goals 透過智能監控功能,即時檢測和修復故障,降低能源消耗並減少碳足跡,符合企業永續發展目標。通過智能販賣機購買即期食品,減少食物浪費,促進資源合理利用,推動環境保護和永續發展。 More Info Tianyi Advantages Exceptional Quality Industrial-grade hardware Smart vending machines use industrial-grade hardware to ensure stable and reliable performance. This helps improve equipment durability, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure good operating results. Smart Application 協同零售業或品將技術轉化為競爭優勢。與零售業或品牌的現有系統和通路整合,實現線上線下的一體化。 Data system The complete API can quickly solve various problems, including product management, inventory management, sales analysis, payment methods, member management, marketing activities, customer service support, etc., to fully support the rapid development of industrial services. Close to consumers Low operating cost Real-time monitoring Marketing Tools Device Model Types Of Equipment Normal temperature Multiple models serving multiple business scenarios Room temperature product sales Collect/Store/Return Application Customized Cabinets refrigeration 多機型服務多商務情景 搭配式倉道(履帶、螺旋) (可選單軌/雙軌)最多6層 斜面 / 平面升降平台出貨 Hot Food Transparent display window LED lighting Optional hydrogen or ozone sterilization function Under development Frozen and refrigerated goods storage 冷凍 Device Model Types Of Equipment No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • 智能販賣機 | 天翼產業鏈科技股份有限公司

    智能販賣機 亞尼克YTM 2.0 北捷高密度51個服務站點 增加品牌能見度 極致便利的商業模式 提升品牌好感度 More Info To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. 融合創新思維的 智慧零售解決方案 Smart retail solutions integrating innovative thinking 1 Industrial-grade equipment Tianyi Smartphones use industrial-grade hardware to ensure stable and reliable performance. This helps improve equipment durability, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure good operating results. Tianyi provides customers with professional services and technical support from equipment setup to on-site maintenance. More Info 2 Omni-channel innovation and integration Integrate industry resources to provide planning consultation for customers, use complete API technology and data to provide complete services for customer operations, help brands improve their overall competitive advantages, and drive industry development. Integrate systems and channels to achieve OMO. More Info 3 Sustainable development goals 透過智能監控功能,即時檢測和修復故障,降低能源消耗並減少碳足跡,符合企業永續發展目標。通過智能販賣機購買即期食品,減少食物浪費,促進資源合理利用,推動環境保護和永續發展。 More Info Tianyi Advantages Exceptional Quality Industrial-grade hardware Smart vending machines use industrial-grade hardware to ensure stable and reliable performance. This helps improve equipment durability, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure good operating results. Smart Application 協同零售業或品將技術轉化為競爭優勢。與零售業或品牌的現有系統和通路整合,實現線上線下的一體化。 Data system The complete API can quickly solve various problems, including product management, inventory management, sales analysis, payment methods, member management, marketing activities, customer service support, etc., to fully support the rapid development of industrial services. Close to consumers Low operating cost Real-time monitoring Marketing Tools Device Model Types Of Equipment Normal temperature Multiple models serving multiple business scenarios Room temperature product sales Collect/Store/Return Application Customized Cabinets refrigeration 多機型服務多商務情景 搭配式倉道(履帶、螺旋) (可選單軌/雙軌)最多6層 斜面 / 平面升降平台出貨 Hot Food Transparent display window LED lighting Optional hydrogen or ozone sterilization function Under development Frozen and refrigerated goods storage 冷凍 Device Model Types Of Equipment No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • 案例分享 | 天翼產業鏈科技股份有限公司

    案例分享 Show Case 合作案例 智能販賣機的成功案例,見證其在行業中的引領作用。智慧零售的革新,不僅改變了消費體驗,更提高經營的品質和效率。通過案例,我們能思考如何運用新技術以創造更好的商業模式。 查看更多 智能販賣機場地 智能販賣機的擺設地點是智能販賣機營運的重點考慮因素之一。選擇適當的地點不僅能增加品牌曝光和銷售機會,滿足消費者需求的同時,提供智能便利的服務,為品牌增加好感度。 從合作案例各產業的地點選擇,提供營運規劃參考。 查看更多

  • 新聞中心 | 天翼產業鏈科技股份有限公司

    News Center Tianyi News The latest Tianyi news, product updates, events, etc. 閱讀更多 Viewpoint Articles Founders or other experts’ opinions and analysis on industry trends, technological developments, etc. 閱讀更多 Industry Information The latest trends in related industries, market analysis, product information and other related information. 閱讀更多

  • 聯絡天翼 | 天翼產業鏈科技股份有限公司

    Contact Us If you have any questions, comments or cooperation proposals, please feel free to contact us. The Tianyi team will provide you with support and services wholeheartedly. We look forward to establishing a good communication and cooperation relationship with you! Let's Chat address No. 14, Lane 609, Section 5, Chongxin Road, Sanchong District, New Taipei City, 10F-8 telephone 02-2999-7222 Email Line official account @054kshcg 聯絡人 公司名稱 電話 統一編號 電子信箱 是否有使用過販賣機 販賣機種類 機台需求 產業/商品類型 具體問題描述 送出 天翼產業鏈科技股份有限公司 Mount up Industrial chain technology Co., Ltd.

  • 關於天翼 | 天翼產業鏈科技股份有限公司

    From pioneering to creating waves in smart retail Founder Kevin Yang Yang Ziyi, founder of Tianyi Industrial Chain Technology Co., Ltd., has spent eight years cultivating the field of smart retail and creating a new wave. He is the first person to open up the smart vending machine market in Taiwan through O2O. Through continuous modification and optimization, resource integration, and improved logistics, he has led the brand to break through growth bottlenecks and reduce waste with innovative thinking. His successful business model has attracted well-known brands such as KFC, Watsons, Taipei City Government, and Yannick to join the new smart retail track. About Mount Up Resource integration to create Tianyi Combining past experience in the research and development of new generation smart vending machines, we provide customized software and hardware integration services. We help corporate brands implement new retail concepts, create new business models, and aspire to become the best partner for corporate brands. Strategic Goals 01 Professional technology innovation and breakthrough We focus on software and hardware R&D investment and technological innovation to break through the industry's technological bottlenecks and achieve industry leadership. 02 戰略佈局與產業協同 Adhere to the strategic layout of industrial collaboration to achieve stable and efficient operation of the industrial chain. 03 Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development We implement CSR (corporate social responsibility) and are committed to collaborating with the industry to achieve ESG (economy, social responsibility and environmental sustainability) goals.

  • 敬請期待 | 天翼產業鏈科技股份有限公司

    Stay tuned 10-door freezer (customizable) Go to Homepage

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    All Posts No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

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